Boost : |
From: Paul Moore (gustav_at_[hidden])
Date: 1999-12-19 13:25:19
From: dave_at_[hidden] [mailto:dave_at_[hidden]]On
> Ed Brey wrote:
> > Furthermore, we should discourage "using namespace boost"
> > in the first place, since it can unforeseen conflicts as names are added to
> > boost.
> Hey, good. Somebody finally came out and said it: using-directives in
> general are just plain dangerous and unpredictable. Let's not make any
> decisions which are based on a desire to accomodate them.
Why not just document (somewhere):
boost::detail - namespace for implementation details. Contents not for user
This makes it explicit, and has the same implications as the fact that
boost::scoped_ptr is documented - people using using-directives have to avoid
conflicts with documented names in the used namespace. (They also have to avoid
conflict with undocumented names, but you know what I mean...)
Anyone who uses a using-directive takes responsibility for avoiding clashes.
Documenting names lets us say "I told you so" :-)
Boost list run by bdawes at acm.org, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk