Boost : |
From: scleary_at_[hidden]
Date: 1999-12-28 15:59:17
Dear Boost friends:
I was going to wait until the type traits was set, then compressed pair
built until I released this, but I think I shall go ahead and submit it now
(for comments).
The attached header file contains a simple class 'auto_action'. The
attached html file is some documentation and examples. In this case, the
documentation is a lot more important than the code, because Automatic
Objects are, AFAIK, a new idea.
Please read through the docs -- I apologize for their "rough" nature; they
were originally intented for my personal use only, and have been re-written
as many times as the code (this is 3rd generation). Let me know what you
think. Be harsh, in a nice way :)
P.S. The name "Automatic Object" sort of evolved from auto_ptr, which was
the seed for the entire idea. I would have no problem changing the name to
something more descriptive when submitting.
P.P.S. I decided to submit this now because I use Automatic Objects
extensively in multi-threaded code. They make it easier to write safe
synchronizing code, even when calling library functions that may throw
exceptions, etc. They give that fuzzy, warm, safe feeling. . . :)
P.P.P.S. I'm working on a revision of type traits that I think everyone will
be satisfied with; compressed pair can then be constructed on these. As for
that paper on template matching, I think I'll put it off until I understand
it better. . . :)
Boost list run by bdawes at acm.org, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk