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From: scleary_at_[hidden]
Date: 1999-12-29 15:38:45

Darin -

You know, the exact same problem exists when using the Standard library:

  struct CatalogEntry
    string name;
    bool operator==(const string & other) const { return (name == other); }
    // similar ops for !=, <, >, <=, >=
  class Catalog
      // hide implementation
      vector<CatalogEntry> cat;
      // provide iterators
      typedef vector<CatalogEntry>::iterator iterator; // ...
      iterator begin() { return cat.begin(); } // ...

      // prerequisite: a CatalogEntry with this name does exist in the
      void erase(const string & name)
        cat.erase(find(cat.begin(), cat.end(), name));
        cout << "entry " << name << " was removed" << endl;

  void remove_entry(Catalog & catalog, Catalog::iterator entry)

Here the STL protects itself with nothing more than documenting when
iterators and references become invalid.

I just wanted to point this out; however, I still think we should return by
(const) object because we are talking about properties here, not iterators.


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