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From: Beman Dawes (beman_at_[hidden])
Date: 2000-01-04 15:32:42

At 08:02 PM 1/4/00 +0100, Nicolai Josuttis wrote:

>attached you can find an awk script that I use to
>generate all my HTML pages of the book and boost examples.
>I have cleaned it up so that you should be able to
>read and use it easily.
>Any feedback and improvement is welcome.

Great! It worked first time for me. I didn't even know awk was on
my machine; apparently it was installed as part of cygwin32 during
gcc installation.

Two small nits, both applying only to comments:

First, setting size=-1 results in unreadably small comments on my
machine with both IE 5.0 and Netscape 3.0.

Second, comments are often carefully formatted under the assumption
that a mono-space font will be used. Use of Arial,Helvetica screws
up this assumption, resulting in less than optimal display.

Both are fixed by changing:

  COMBEG = "<I><FONT face=\"Arial,Helvetica\"" COMCOL "size=-1>"



One additional thought about #includes. Lots of boost code writes
them like this: #include <boost/operators.hpp>. It would be nice to
turn that into a hyperlink, perhaps keying on "boost/" after an

Seems like a nice addition to the boost site - Thanks!

I will wait a couple of days before posting it on the boost site to
give others a chance to comment.


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