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From: Valentin Bonnard (Bonnard.V_at_[hidden])
Date: 2000-01-29 16:11:54

Herb Sutter wrote:

> >but if the user is required to define too much traits, then
> >he will simply define a named function to do the work
> >directly instead of using all the compose library.
> In a perfect world: If there was a widely-used -- or standard -- set of
> expression templates, however, providers of a type [c|w]ould provide the
> appropriate specializations. Then there would be no work for the user.

In a perfect world people wouldn't have to write a redundant
meta-description of their code. Actually, in a perfect world,
there would be no user-written redundancy at all, all languages
would be reflexive, and C++ would have lambda abstraction.

Valentin Bonnard

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