Boost : |
From: jorg.schaible_at_[hidden]
Date: 2000-02-17 10:24:34
Hi Miki,
you know the meaning of "#pragma"? After a #pramga directive a compiler vendor
may introduce his own keywords and functions and hopefully all current compiler
ignore the keyword after pragma if they don't know it. The "#pramga message" is
MS specific. Others use "#pragma warning" or do not have such a mechanism at
Therefore I'll stick with the "// TODO:"
---------------------------------------- Message History
From: miki_at_[hidden] on 17/02/2000 15:10
Please respond to boost_at_[hidden]
To: boost_at_[hidden]
Subject: [boost] TODO reminder
Hi all,
How do you keep track of places in your code which you need to re-visit
to improve, implement of check otherwise? For the longest time I was
using comments like:
// TODO: Fix this.
But little while ago there was a discussion on one of the boards about
#pragma message, and I wrote a macro that I found irreplaceable since.
So, here it is, and you all can tell me if there is a place in the
boost library for it.
#define hidden_quote( s ) #s
#define hidden_numquote( n ) hidden_quote( n )
#define TODO( msg ) message( __FILE__ "(" hidden_numquote( __LINE__ )
"): TODO: " msg )
The only macro that should be used is the TODO. It lets you put
comments in your code like this:
#pragma TODO( "Fix this." )
This line would produce compiler output like:
C:\Projects\Test\Test.c(34): TODO: Fix this.
Nice thing about the macro is that it identifies file and line number,
and it lets IDE's take you there immediately. Not so nice thing...
#pragma is not in the macro. If anyone can put it in, please let me
Miki Jovanovic.
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