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From: Andreas Scherer (as_at_[hidden])
Date: 2000-03-01 02:16:28

beman dawes <bema-_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> So it really isn't something we can fix by changes in our files by
> picking one of the native formats and converting everything to that
> format.

The problem is not that <smart_ptr.hpp> (and possibly other files in
the boost archive as well) is in one of the native formats (say Unix
versus Win32); the problem in this particular case is that
<smart_ptr.hpp> is in a _mixed_ file format. The last time I looked
(must have been version 1.11), one line in a multiline macro definition
had the "wrong" eof character(s), so the preprocessor of gcc hickups.
Apart from multiline macros, gcc on Unix/Linux is perfectly happy with
"native Win32" source files, just as, e.g., MSVC deals fine with
"native Unix" source files.

To conclude, let me vote together with all those other gcc hackers to
clean up <smart_ptr.hpp> once and for all. Please.

-- Andreas

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