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From: Dave Abrahams (abrahams_at_[hidden])
Date: 2000-04-21 21:26:48

on 4/21/00 9:07 AM, Gary Powell at Gary.Powell_at_[hidden] wrote:

> I'd be glad to follow the std but its really broken in this case.

I agree that it is broken in some sense. I also think you can stay within
its bounds. I don't think inducing undefined behavior is appropriate for
libraries in boost (well, maybe only in libraries specifically designed to
test the limits of existing implementations).

> Re:hash_map
> It's a commonly used container, I need the trait<hash_map>, SGI put it in
> the namespace std, Its not std,
> What would you like?
> a) A seperate include file that can be used or not by users of hash_map.
> b) use of defines to recognize that SGI STL is being used. And include the
> file <hash_map> ?

Either one of those sounds fine. <b> is probably the more seamless choice.

> This isn't important to me. I'm just trying to make this library as standard
> complient as possible. It's just frustrating.

Tell me about it. This should be easier, especially the swap stuff.


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