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From: Daniel Heck (dheck_at_[hidden])
Date: 2000-05-04 19:15:09

On Thu, May 04, 2000 at 03:31:21PM -0400, Beman Dawes wrote:

> There might well be boost interest in a command line parser, but I
> doubt boost people will take your submission seriously until it is
> recast following boost library guidelines
> (, including ownership,
> namespaces, and at least a bit of initial documentation.

You're completely right, but I certainly don't feel like spending too
much time on a project noone is interested in. I did that once on
another mailing list and it was a disappointing experience. That's
why I asked for some feedback before spending more time on the command
line parser or some documentation.

> Remember that a lot of boost interest centers around the interface;
> the implementation details are not so important. With templates that
> intermingle interface and implementation, people look to the docs,
> and when there are no docs they lose interest.
> Again, there may well be interest in a command line parser, but you
> are first going to have to present your design clearly.

Agreed. Expect a formal submission in the next few days... :)


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