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From: Mark Rodgers (mark.rodgers_at_[hidden])
Date: 2000-05-07 07:12:53

I said

> I used boost::call_traits to rewrite the standard binders and member
> function adapters ...
> ... someone emailed me and suggested I package these up and submit
> them to Boost. I certainly don't mind doing that if you folks
> think it would be worthwhile ...

Dave Abrahams wrote:

> go for it.

John Maddock wrote:

> I would say go for it.

So I did. I've uploaded the result to the vault, in a folder
called functional. (I hope this was the right thing to do.)

The contents, apart from tests, docs, etc, is a single file called
functional.hpp modelled on the standard <functional> header. The
contents are

- Some traits classes I used in my implementation
- Negators (not1, not2)
- Binders (bind1st, bind2nd)
- Member function adapters (mem_fun, etc)
- Function pointer adapters (ptr_fun).

Please have a look and make comments. Questions I am particularly
keen to answer include

1. Are there any flaws in my cunning plan?
2. What do you think of the packaging - should I split the single file
   up into separate files (e.g. negators.hpp, binders.hpp, etc)? (I'd
   prefer not to, but could be convinced people think it necessary.)
3. I use Borland C++Builder 4, but I've also tested it with BCC 5.5.
   How does it go on other platforms? For example, do you have any
   better luck with my attempt to make ptr_fun obsolete?
4. What else do I need to do to bring it up to Boost standards?

Any other comments also greatly appreciated.


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