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From: Mark Rodgers (mark.rodgers_at_[hidden])
Date: 2000-05-17 03:42:06

From: John Maddock <John_Maddock_at_[hidden]
> template <class F>
> struct make_functor_ind;
> template <class T>
> struct make_functor_ind<T*>
> {
> typedef T type;
> typedef const T& cast_type;
> };
> template <class R, class A>
> struct make_functor_ind<R (*)(A)>
> {
> typedef R(*type)(A);
> typedef R(*cast_type)(A);
> };

Yes, I came to a very similar conclusion, except that I called
the cast_type param_type and put it into unary_traits. In fact,
I've shoved the extra indirection into the traits so that users
of the traits (e.g., not1) need not be aware of it.

I justify param_type as "the type used to pass the function
object as an argument", and declare my functors' constructors like

explicit unary_negate(typename unary_traits<Predicate>::param_type x)

and my helper function like this:

template <class Predicate>
unary_negate<Predicate> not1(const Predicate &pred)
   return unary_negate<Predicate>(
     (typename unary_traits<Predicate>::param_type)pred);

g++ does not require the cast, and I have been experimenting with ways
to dispense with it for Borland, but have not come up with anything

I've updated the vault with a new version, but will continue to
experiment to see if I can improve on it. Any ideas welcome.

Thanks for your help,

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