Boost : |
From: Joe Gottman (joegottman_at_[hidden])
Date: 2000-05-26 20:38:57
Suppose you want to sort some objects using a custom ordering, so you create a binary comparison function myCompare. Later, you want to sort some more objects using the same comparison, but in the opposite order. The naive way of doing this is the following:
sort(begin(), end(), not2(myCompare));
Unfortunately, this will probably cause your computer to crash, because a predicate pred used in sorting must satisfy !(pred(x,y)) for all x and y. Obviously, if your predicate does this, not of your predicate will not. The correct way of reversing a comparison is to evaluate pred(y,x) instead of pred(x,y), see the canonical definition of x > y as y < x for an example.
Here is a class that does just that. It simply takes a binary predicate and exchanges the order of the parameters. Please tell me what you think.
#include <functional>
//This class reverses the order of parameters of a binary_function
//object. Its most obvious use is to reverse the direction of a
//comparison for sorting or STL sets, maps, etc.
namespace boost {
template <class OP>
class exchange_parameters_t
: public std::binary_function<typename OP::second_argument_type,
typename OP::first_argument_type,
typename OP::result_type>
OP op;
exchange_parameters_t() : op() {};
exchange_parameters_t(const OP &in_op) : op(in_op) {};
typename OP::result_type operator()(
const typename OP::second_argument_type &x1,
const typename OP::first_argument_type &x2) const
{return op(x2, x1);}
template <class OP>
exchange_parameters_t<OP> exchange_parameters(const OP &op)
return exchange_parameters_t<OP>(op);
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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