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From: Beman Dawes (beman_at_[hidden])
Date: 2000-05-29 15:10:04

At 03:35 PM 5/29/00 -0400, David Abrahams wrote:

>> 1. What do we need to do to get Aleksey's operators.hpp fixes
>Duh! I guess I need to convince him to formally request review.
>But I'm not sure this procedure should be required for libs
submitted before
>the formal review process was developed. Maybe we should

Well, if the interface is more-or-less the same, and the doc are
more-or-less the same, and the semantics are more-or-less the same,
it seems more like maintenance that a new library.

Since you are the official maintainer of operators.hpp, just send it
to me. But if you think so much has changed it needs to be reviewed,
that would be your call.


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