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From: jsiek_at_[hidden]
Date: 2000-07-14 13:37:24

Beman Dawes writes:
> The other homework assignment is to study C&E Part II, Implementation
> Techniques. Particularly Chapter 10, Static Metaprogramming in C++.
> [five minutes later...] Amazing! They present compile-time IF<>, SWITCH<>,
> WHILE<>, DO<>, and FOR<> templates! I'm going to take the rest the day off
> to read this!

I'd be interested in seeing some support for static metaprogramming in
boost. For example, in the iterator_adaptor code that's under
development (there's a copy in the vault) I use the IF<> (renamed
ct_if, ct=compile-time). Also, I use IF<> heavily in the GGCL and MTL

Also, the GenVoca style of component composition advocated in C&E is
similar to some of the techniques we are already use in boost,
e.g. operators.hpp.



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