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From: farzad badili (far_badili_at_[hidden])
Date: 2000-07-25 04:42:38

Hi All, I sent 150 new files to my home page. also I have created new
address for my files: (main page - no frames) (main page - frames) (Tutorials - frames) (Basic Programming language - frames) (C Programming language - frames) (Assembly Programming language - frames) (Pascal & Delphi Programming language -


 If you like to put your files,programs,documents,tutorials or etc. to
 my page please mail me. It is a great pleasure for me to see your
 files in my page. Also if you know good urls related to programming
 please send them to me and I will add them in the links section then
 others can use those urls too. I'm waiting for your comments and
 suggestions. Please tell me your idea about my home page. I'm new
 in this field and I need your idea.

 Farzad Badili (FDB)

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