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From: John Maddock (John_Maddock_at_[hidden])
Date: 2000-12-12 07:34:10

>Agreed. I would extend this with a configuration option which allows for
>easy subsetting of the library to only the desired libs.

OK for an integrated build system that's OK, but it still doesn't address
the problem IMO: many people will use all of boost at one point or another,
but only some of boost at one time in a particular project. To my mind
separate library builds satify this need the best - perhaps with a wrapper
that allows the user to build everything if they really want it. BTW on
win32 it's possible to create separate libraries, then wrap these together
in a single "master library" - so boost.lib might reference multiple dll's
and other lib's. Unfortunately I don't think this is possible on unix like

- John.

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