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From: Moore, Paul (paul.moore_at_[hidden])
Date: 2000-12-19 06:37:21

From: William Ward [mailto:william.ward_at_[hidden]]
> I'm having a problem with an increase in object size
> when using the operators library from boost, using GCC
> 2.95.2. I use single inheritence to derive from the Boost
> classes using the base chaining technique described in
> as follows :
> I was wondering if there is any workaround for GCC to
> remove this increase because in my application even a 4
> byte penalty is unacceptable.

I've not tried this, but would the explicit instantiation workaround for
Borland noted in the document work here?

Actually, are there any reasons why the Borland explicit instantiation
technique is not suitable for general use? To be honest, it looks cleaner
and more readable to me than the derivation version, either chained or


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