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From: Dean Calver (deano_at_[hidden])
Date: 2000-12-31 11:04:57

I think quaternions would be a good library to add to Boost. I (like
everybody else it seems) have my own (well several actually).

In games we use them alot for rotations and orientation etc and would seem
to be a natural extension to the existing number sets that the STL and boost
already have.
I don't personally have a use octonions (I seem to vaguely remember hearing
the term in quantum mechinics and combinatrics) but I'd like to have them in
Boost as you never know what you need at a later date?

I also am wondering about numeric classes being added to Boost, I have
numerous times written vector (mathematical) and matrix templates classes
and they would seem to be obvious additions (I mean relatively simple matrix
classes rather than blitz++ complexity) ideally we would want a generic
tensor class. In almost all mathematically complex fields (personally I've
needed them for graphics, physics, combinatrics, numerical analysis and even
quantum computing) the need for the more complex (no pun intended) maths
classes often occur.

A high performance generic numeric library would be a major addition to
Boost. With almost all modern processors today having some form of vector
unit (SSE, altavic, 3DNow, Emotion Engine VU0) a generic library would
potentially allow specialized versions giving massive optimizations.

Of course, building a library to meet everybody requirements would be a
major undertaking. I'd be inclined by taking a straw-poll of which areas
interest people and get some discussion going about implenting a STL
quality/style version.


Dean Calver,
Lead Engineer (PS2) Dreamland Freedom Ridge
Mythos Games

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