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From: Bill Seymour (bsey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-03-26 10:35:00

I'd be interested in helping with this project.

I've made a stab at it myself, but didn't get very far
before other tasks got higher priorities.

Borrowing terminology from Informix 4GL, I came up with:

struct year_to_month;
struct day_to_second;
// some others

template<class T>
class datetime; // a point in time

template<class T>
class interval; // a difference between two datetimes

// e.g.:
template<> class interval<hour_to_second>;

Would this be a good starting point?

If there's interest, I could get the stuff together
and upload to Boost. It needs _lots_ of work to make it
ready for prime time.

--Bill Seymour

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