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From: Karl.Bellve_at_[hidden]
Date: 2001-03-26 14:18:38

--- In boost_at_y..., Phlip <pplumlee_at_o...> wrote:

> Please use the example code under my sig for BPL's example1.cpp or
> example2.cpp, with this test code:
> n = world(1)
> m = n.getWorld(1)
> assert (m != None)
> m = n.getWorld(0)
> assert (m == None)


Thanks for the pointer to this thread. But, I still don't understand
something. From the above code, it appears Python is creating a new
class called 'world'. You are then allowg the class called 'world'
to create another 'world' in your code using 'n.getWorld'. Also, what
is world(1) in the first line returning? Usually, constructors C++
don't return anything but this is Python. Is it a python object? 'n'
is now a python object that now you can access its methods? But who
created 'n', python or the parent application (or DLL in this case)?

TIA, Please excuse my lack of understanding of Python and Boost. I am
trying to learn Python, Boost, and Numpy all in the same week.

created = constructed, newed...etc


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