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From: Vladimir Prus (ghost_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-03-28 02:59:33

1. I have just downloaded the most recent version of any_function, which
documentation says it compiles under bcc 5.5.1, but it doesn't! The following
simple code fails to compile:

        #include <boost/any_function.hpp>

        void foo(int) {}
        int main()
                boost::any_function<void, int> v;
                v = foo;

The problem seems to be in using enums for constants in various places.

        template<int i> struct I { enum { val = i }; };
        template<int i> struct V {};

        template<int i>
        struct S {

                enum { val = I<i>::val };

                typedef V<val> type; // 1

Given this declarations, bcc thinks that S<23>::type is ... V<0>! This is
cleary bug, which affects any_function.hpp. I'm not sure if it can be
workarounded, leaving enums, but one can change val to static const int
member, and change line #1 to
        typedef V<int(S::val)> type;
This will work. I actully wonder why enum is used for const values. Is there
any other compiler that has problems with static const ints?

2. I found explicit ctor of any_function not very good idea.
        - It adds no safety at all, but is a big encumbrance.
        - Is it reasonable to make ctor explicit while permitting assigment
                without explicit conversion? Don't you think that if conversion of type
                A to type B is considered dangerous, then both marked lines should not
                        struct S {
                                S(const B& b) : b(b) {};
                                B b;
                        A a;
                        S s1(a); //*
                        S s2;
                        s2.b = a; //*


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