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From: williamkempf_at_[hidden]
Date: 2001-03-14 17:51:19

--- In boost_at_y..., <boost_at_y...> wrote:
> Hello,
> This email message is a notification to let you know that
> a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the boost
> group.
> File : /threads/
> Uploaded by : williamkempf_at_h...
> Description : Boost.Threads draft library submission
> You can access this file at the URL
> To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit

Despite the delay I've uploaded a _DRAFT_ library submission for
Boost.Threads. It's not 100% ready for prime time, but it's ready to
share. Below is a list of things I'd appreciate others on this list
helping out with:

1) Evaluate the code and documentation much as you would for a formal
submission. This particular library is going to need a bit more
scrutiny than normal, so I'd like to do some of this prior to

2) I especially need folks looking at the pthread implementation.
What I have compiles and works with VC++ using a Win32 port of
pthreads. However, it periodically dead locks (running both the
example program and the test program) and I've yet to figure out
why. I don't see an error in the implementation so the problem may
even be in the Win32 port, so if the problem can't be reproduced on
other platforms I'll need Win32 users to help out here.

3) I need serious help in creating some sort of build system. I
realize this is a touchy subject since Boost doesn't yet have a
standard way of handling this, but I'll settle for multiple platform
specific makefiles much as Regex does. I'm just not qualified to
handle this part.

At this point I'm open to any and all criticisms. It's time for me
to step back from the work I've done and seriously consider ideas
that others have about this library before formally submitting it.
Boost.Threads has a lot of interest by some key people and so will
need very careful consideration (not that any Boost libraries receive
less than this, but I'm sure people understand the concern here).

Bill Kempf

Boost list run by bdawes at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at