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From: David Abrahams (abrahams_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-03-17 21:11:54

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeremy Siek" <jsiek_at_[hidden]>

> Hi Steven,
> I've fixed the problem with is_convertible... as per Dave's suggested fix
> in a private email.
> There is also one other problem... though it probably won't show up with
> Borland. With KAI C++, I also get an error at the
> iterator_adaptor::operator[] because the return type is
> value_type=Abstract. I don't see this problem with g++. I'm not sure it
> should be a problem... if you don't use operator[]. However, if you did
> want to use operator[] this would certainly be a problem.
> To open up an old smelly can of worms... Dave, do you think this is a flaw
> in using value_type as the return type for operator[]?

1. I think if you don't use operator[], it should not be an error
2. I never liked using value_type as the return from operator[], but it
seems neccessary in light of the standard text.
3. It might be worth asking people to supply an additional template
parameter or specialize some traits class (boost::iterator_traits?) to tell
us about iterators needing this special treatment.


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