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From: Vladimir Prus (ghost_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-06-01 05:11:00

Joel de Guzman wrote:

>> Actually, *this* code can be made to work. Blitz library uses this syntax
>> array assigments.
>> Array<int> a;
>> a = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5;
>> This is acomplished by making operator= return special object. This is not
>> likely to work in case of initialzation, anyway.
>> --

>but still:

> a, b | c

>will be

> a, (b | c)

>and not what we want:

> (a, b) | c

> Gosh if you could make that work, I want that!

I think that it is possible to write a metaprogram that will take a general
expression tree and reparse it assuming whatever precedece you like.
This is not easily done, though. I actually think that we need some
metalanguage, most likely functional, which will be mapped to template
metaprograms. But this is not easily done as well.


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