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From: Revuz dominique (dr_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-06-01 10:47:54

John Max Skaller a écrit :

> Douglas Gregor wrote:
> > What I'm proposing is that we use on-the-fly parser generation to make the
> > compiler writer's job easier.
> Which might also allow user extensions to the grammar,
> something I've only dreamed of. This is probably viable for
> an RD parser. It probably isn't for a bottom up parser,
> unless you use some fancy scheme which caches the parse
> tables on disk.
> FYI: for Felix, which uses Lex and Yacc like tools,
> the huge cost is building the lexer (takes ages and ages),
> then the parser (takes a while) and running the LP tool
> (takes a while), whilst compiling the whole of the rest
> of the code takes about the same time as building the parser.

You chould try ASTL ;-).

> Because I want to support 'optional' constructions,
> I use a hack: a list of keywords which identifiers are
> checked against while lexing. [One construction I want to be
> optional is 'goto']
> --
> John (Max) Skaller, mailto:skaller_at_[hidden]
> 10/1 Toxteth Rd Glebe NSW 2037 Australia voice: 61-2-9660-0850
> checkout Vyper
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Dominique Revuz, Maitre de conference a Marne la Vallee
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