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From: Thomas Matelich (sosedada_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-06-05 09:27:19

nbecker_at_[hidden] wrote:

> >>>>> "David" == David Abrahams <abrahams_at_[hidden]> writes:
> David> That's not the question.
> David> The question is whether the static and shared versions should (need to)
> David> share object files, under any circumstances.
> Sorry, I guess I didn't understand your question.
> You are asking if it's OK to build a shared lib and a static lib using
> the same object files?
> On most systems shared libs have to be built with PIC using -fpic.
> So all objs in shared lib have to have -fpic.
> Are you suggesting to build the static lib with the same objs? That
> might work, but it would be pointless.

On some platforms, it's not pointless, it's actually often necessary.

> Have you looked at GNU libtool?

Personally, I don't like the overhead from libtool.

Thomas O Matelich
Senior Software Designer
Zetec, Inc.

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