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From: Hubert HOLIN (Hubert.Holin_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-06-12 17:02:29

Paris (U.E.), le 12/06/2001


--- In boost_at_y..., John Maddock <John_Maddock_at_c...> wrote:
> >Is anyone interested in statistical functions for
> >Students's T, Fisher F, Chisq, their inverses,
> >and functions needed to generate them?
> yes.

                I most definitely second that!

                BTW, I have (like most everybody, I guess) some classes for
elementary descriptive statitistics tasks I can contribute if someone's

                I have some technical question, though. Since there are
mightily few variations possible on the implementation of elementary
functions, I wonder if we do not risk to impinge on the copyright of
works such a "Numerical Recipes" (even if the concepts are of course
not copyrighteable, the language is different, and the implementation
is different but mostly amounts to some translation).

                I also have some code (CORRECTED from NR) for Kolmogorov-
Smirnov statistics I am willing to share (but the correction is
somewhat ad'hoc so it would benefit from exposure).

> >There is a collection of C functions which are
> >generated from FORTRAN (UGH!) by Barry Brown et al
> >at Univerisity of Texas dated 1997. The key work
> >is based on Didinto AR and Morris AH, Navel Surface Weapons Viginia
> >ACM TOMS 18 (1993) 360 -373
> There's a lot of FORTRAN code out there that could be usefully repackaged
> as C++, stats functions would be a good place to start. It annoys me that
> my 20 year old calculator (it really is, still going too!), has more stats
> functions than <math.h>.
> >Re-packaging C++ style is easy enough,
> >but I would like guidance on how to handle the exceptional
> >conditions.
> throw std::range_error for range errors?


                        Hubert Holin

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