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From: rwgk_at_[hidden]
Date: 2001-06-13 21:28:20

Sorry for the fuzzy terminology. What I meant was simply to
make Boost.Python compliant with the ISO C++ standard.
Currently it is unfortunately not. Boost.Python uses
an "inline friend function" trick to declare & define the
from_python/to_python converter functions. This approach
is not compatible with the ISO rules for the lookup of
friend functions. Fortunately, partial specialization
can be used to resolve this conflict. We are currently
working out a new mechanism for implementing the
converter functions.

--- In boost_at_y..., John Max Skaller <skaller_at_o...> wrote:
> rwgk_at_m... wrote:
> > The last couple of weeks I had to focus on other pressing
> > things. This week we had a two-day workshop with collaborators
> > on our project. At that workshop I banked my life on Boost.Python.
> > I am pretty sure that a few of our collaborators will start using
> > it. This is, I have a very strong motivation to continue my quest
> > for getting Boost.Python onto the standards track.
> The best you can hope for is a non-normative
> Technical Report. Python itself is not Standardised,
> so we can't Standardise a binding to it.
> However, an 'industry standard', in the form
> of a document hosted on the Boost site, would probably
> be just as useful, if not more so.
> --
> John (Max) Skaller, mailto:skaller_at_m...
> 10/1 Toxteth Rd Glebe NSW 2037 Australia voice: 61-2-9660-0850
> checkout Vyper
> download Interscript

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