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From: williamkempf_at_[hidden]
Date: 2001-06-14 08:59:02

--- In boost_at_y..., Iain.Hanson_at_u... wrote:
> There is documentation for Boost Libraries, but not for all of
> work in progress. Some of the work in 'files' consists of just
a zip
> file which you have to download and open to see if there is
> documentation.
> It would also be nice if there was a web page that should the
> of work. I.e. what was under review, obsolete, being worked on

The problem is, what's in the Files section is work in progress and
is not an official (or even unofficial) part of Boost. Trying to
make them more official by documenting which are works in progress,
which are obsolete, etc., will just confuse actual Boost users. And
requiring them to contain documentation, since they are works in
progress, will just make it much more difficult to work on them.

The list of those being reviewed is helpful, however, but it exists
in the form of notifications to this list and to Boost Announce.
This should be enough.

Bill Kempf

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