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From: Matthew Hurd (matt_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-06-16 22:40:28

It is good to see more standard numerics coming to boost.

As an aside, the fastest FFT I know of off the top my head is the Fastest
Fourier Transform in the West. It uses something like SML to generate small
C kernels which are composed at run time if my hazy memory is working
correctly. Sounds like a good opportunity for some expression template
coding for someone without kids...


Matthew Hurd
0419 602 148

-----Original Message-----
From: Hubert HOLIN [mailto:Hubert.Holin_at_[hidden]]
Sent: Saturday, 16 June 2001 8:25 AM
To: boost_at_[hidden]
Subject: [boost] About FFT.h.gz

Paris (U.E.), le 16/06/2001

        Hi all

                The file FFT.h.gz I uploaded (by request) tonight is a *VERY*
old implementation of various flavours of Fast Fourrier Transforms.
It's sole merit is that (as far as I could tell when I was using it) it
works. It has to be almost completely rewriten so as to be able to take
advantage of what current compilers have to offer (namespaces,

                If there is interest (please let me know), I can boostify it
(after rewriting it... hope I can find my notes 'cause I remember the
N-dimentional index dance was utterly maddening...). And write some
doc. And write some example file...

                        Hubert Holin

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