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From: David Abrahams (david.abrahams_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-06-18 19:24:59
----- Original Message -----
From: "Gary Powell" <Gary.Powell_at_[hidden]>
the class names.
> [Ed Brey]
> Aaargh. Using the plural is out of sync with other namespaces and such
> constructs I've come across, but your concern seems quite valid. I know
> that Python tends to have namespaces (in the form of modules) with
> functions by the same name. Is there any wisdom to be gleened from
> experience in that corner?
> [Gary]
> Sorry, We don't mean to cause you any anguish. But will bow to the wisdom
> practice. Dave A. do you have a comment here?
Only this: using-directives used to do namespace composition don't really
work, because various kinds of lookup don't treat the names transparently.
If that's what you've got (and I haven't looked at the code), you'd be
better off sticking this directly in namespace boost and doing away with the
nesting. Here's a previous conversation to that effect:
Oh, hello again, Ed! Is this familiar territory?
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