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From: Jeremy Siek (jsiek_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-06-25 23:15:35
Hi Ruth,
On Fri, 22 Jun 2001, Ruth Brown wrote:
Ruth.B> Hi all,
Ruth.B> Thanks for the ideas for HyperGraphs. A generic solution
Ruth.B> is definitely the best for my purposes. Jeremy, my
Ruth.B> faculty mentor has asked me to extend BGL to accommodate
Ruth.B> hypergraphs, with the intent of submitting my work to the
Ruth.B> list if I get far enough. Your ideas are a good starting
Ruth.B> place, but I need more help.
Ruth.B> Here's my thoughts, what do all of you think?
Ruth.B> - sets and multisets instead of pairs to store edges
The adjacency_list edges appear as pairs, but underneath what is stored is
a list of target vertices for each vertex. The "stored_edge",
"stored_edge_property", and "stored_edge_iter" (in
detail/adjacency_list.hpp), are the actual objects stored in the EdgeList
containers in various situations.
I'm not sure how moving to sets and multisets would affect the internal
interfaces of adjacency_list... they may not fit well into the current
model. However it is worth looking into. If hyperedges can be incorporated
with a moderate amount of change, great! If not, then having a separate
hypergraph class would be OK.
Ruth.B> - overload add_edge() to accept either one of these containers
Sounds good. Just make sure these containers don't get copied unecessarily
(which might get expensive). And perhaps to allow more flexibility also
have a version of add_edge() that takes a begin/end vertex iterator pair.
Ruth.B> - edges could still be stored in any of the current EdgeList containers
Ruth.B> - add another parameter to the adjacency_list constructor to indicate
Ruth.B> binary graph or hypergraph?
Sounds good!
Jeremy Siek www: http://www.lsc.nd.edu/~jsiek/
Ph.D. Candidate, IU B'ton email: jsiek_at_[hidden]
Summer Manager, AT&T Research phone: (973) 360-8185
Boost list run by bdawes at acm.org, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk