Boost : |
From: Greg Colvin (gcolvin_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-06-27 16:18:58
From: <williamkempf_at_[hidden]>
> Let me summarize the two main interfaces that people seem to think
> are the best, and try and flesh them out completely, adding more
> questions as I go.
Thanks for this clear exposition. There is (at least) a third,
combined possibility (leaving aside free versus member functions).
It has the possible advantage of not requiring any overhead for
reference counting or heap allocation when the thread::ref interface
is not needed. It has the disadvantage of redundancy.
class thread : noncopyable
class ref
ref(const ref& other);
ref& swap(const ref& other);
ref& operator=(const ref& other);
bool operator==(const ref& other) const;
bool operator!=(const ref& other) const;
bool is_current() const;
bool is_alive() const;
void join();
static ref create(boost::function1<void>);
static void sleep(const xtime& xt);
static void yield();
thread(boost::function1<void>); // start a thread running
~thread(); // detach from thread if still running
bool is_current() const;
bool is_alive() const;
void join();
The only easy way I see to avoid the redundancy is
class thread : noncopyable
static shared_ptr<thread> create(boost::function1<void>);
static void sleep(const xtime& xt);
static void yield();
thread(boost::function1<void>); // start a thread running
~thread(); // detach from thread if still running
bool is_current() const;
bool is_alive() const;
void join();
Although the above would require a thread-safe shared_ptr that
might be less efficient than the native handle, so perhaps it
should be:
class thread : noncopyable
class ptr
thread* operator->();
static ptr create(boost::function1<void>);
How important it is that Gary not pay for (possible) reference
counting he doesn't need I don't know, so I'll leave it to
Gary to actually argue for one of these if he wants. I remain
satisfied with interface 2.
Boost list run by bdawes at acm.org, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk