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From: williamkempf_at_[hidden]
Date: 2001-08-03 12:17:42

--- In boost_at_y..., John Max Skaller <skaller_at_m...> wrote:
> Scott McCaskill wrote:
> > Thanks, got it. I've been perusing the source quite intently and
so far I
> > really like what I see. I also have a question. I have an
application that
> > creates several threads and I want the main thread to be able to
find out if
> > any of the created threads have died.
> This sounds like a possible design error.

That's the first reaction any competent MT programmer should have.
The second reaction should also be to wonder if he's not dealing with
a valid, though unusual, design. There are corner cases where such
designs are the most elegant solution to a problem, even if there
exist other, more complicated, solutions.

That said, I believe the reasons for such designs are unusual enough
that it would be a mistake to account for them in the library.

Bill Kempf

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