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From: Beman Dawes (bdawes_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-08-03 14:09:43

At 01:37 PM 8/3/2001, Alexander Terekhov wrote:

>Here is what we can assume is safe to do when using POSIX (quoting
>1. Whatever memory values a thread can see when ...

Butenhof's description (page 89 of his book) was the model for my
wording. I didn't quote him directly because (1) I didn't want to violate
his copyright and (2) the rules have to be expressed in terms that are
well-defined in the C++ standard, plus any newly defined terms.

Someone else who is more of a C++ core language wording expert than I am
really needs to refine or replace the wording. But until that happens,
what is there will serve as a placeholder.


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