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From: Eric Ford (eford_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-08-07 18:41:22

> History. Standard Template Library does not mean
> 'all the templates in the C++ Library', it is a library
> of _algorithms_ characterized by using iterators as
> parameters. The containers are irrelevant to this library:
> the whole point of STL is that it is container independent.
> The set of algorithms is also much bigger than those actually
> Standardised (about 2/3 of the algorithms were thrown out
> to keep C++ small :-)

Evidently, the SGI STL programmer's guide really confused me onthese
points. Can you point me to an online document explaining what the
STL standard really is? Also, an implementation of (and documentation
for) the rest of the STL that isn't part of the C++ standard library
avliable somewhere?

Back to the problem of how to deal with infinite sequences generated
from recurrsion relations...
One of my big concerns was that two iterators which are meant to
represent the same thing (e.g. the coefficient of the nth term in some
series expansion) could return different values due to floating point
arithmetic. Am I correct is understanding your posts to mean, that it
doesn't matter (at least wrt standards complaince) whether a
comparison between such iterators returns false or true?

Thanks for your help,

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