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From: Asger Alstrup Nielsen (alstrup_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-08-09 08:24:56

> on return from "REAL join or native join" the "joined" thread
> (which *before the join* might have already terminated but not
> yet been destroyed) does not exist anymore. destroyed.. gone..
> completely! there is nothing to real/native-join with after that
> thread has been destroyed. native/real join is a sort of "delete"
> of internal thread objects. the alternative is to call "detach"..
> which would first check whether that thread is still running
> (has not terminated already):

I see. So, the traditional join has a different purpose from the
Boost.Thread join: In Boost, the join is not meant as a means of
clean-up, is it?
As I understand it, the Boost.Thread aims at hiding such book-keeping
details from the user.

So, when we factor this out of the equation, the difference between join
and detach in Boost.Threads is that join waits for exit before
proceeding. (But then again, I couldn't find detach at all in the



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