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From: Gary Powell (Gary.Powell_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-08-09 14:47:59

[Rob Farrow]
Using STL algorithms...
I am unable to deduce a way of combining or reducing sequence
containers into a single result or filtering arbitrary iterators with
a predicate. So I have created these...

REDUCE: applies a binary operator where the first argument is the
current intermediate result and the second is each value in the
sequence. The result of each function application becomes the new


vector<int> nums; //contains { 1, 2, 3 }
int result = reduce(nums.begin(), nums.end(), plus<int>(), 0);
//result = 6

[Gary Powell]
  int result = std::accumulate(nums.begin(), nums.end(), 0, plus<int>());

FILTER: a wrapper for an iterator that applies a predicate functor.
The resulting iterator only stops at objects that pass the predicate.

vector<int> nums; //contains { 1, 15, 2, 10, 3 }
int result = reduce(filter(nums.begin(),
                    nums.end(), plus<int>(), 0);
//result = 6
[Gary Powell]

   vtl::filter_view<vector<int>, int(*)() > filter(nums,

  result = std::accumulate(filter.begin(), filter.end(), 0, plus<int>() );

or use a boost::filter_iterator_generator.


GUARD: is the complement of FILTER.
The resulting iterator only stops at objects that FAIL the predicate.

[Gary Powell]
Just reverse the test.

  Just some alternatives.


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