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From: Toon Knapen (toon_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-08-10 04:11:44

FTJam 2.3.5 and 2001-06-26 crash on HP-UX if not used with the boost
allyourbase !

First for compiling FTJam (as for Jam) on HP-UX you need to add CCFLAGS
= -Ae in the Makefile. You also need to do the same in the jambase.c
(otherwise jam0 will fail to build jam). As jambase.c get regenerated by
  jam0 from Jambase it's best you also add this flag to the Jambase.

So after adding jam seems to be build fine. Running jam however gives me
a parsing error message :

+: line 1323: yacc stack overflow at string "
$(AR) $(<) -+$(>)
don't know how to make all
...found 1 target...
...can't find 1 target...

Using whatever Jamfile does not change anything. Using the boost
allyourbase.jam however does not crash ftjam on HP ?!?!

This problem seems to be specific to HP. I'm using FTJam on IBM/Aix and
Linux/x86 and have no problem with these.


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