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From: Alexander Terekhov (terekhov_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-08-13 06:00:58

> (Last time this came up someone pointed to an error in my own
> event-based code, and claimed that the fact that my CV-based version of
> the same code didn't have the error was evidence that events were bad.
> Sorry, I'm not arrogant enough for that line of argument to work; a bug
> in my code proves nothing more profound than the fact that I can make a
> mistake.)

do you have a fix already? could you please show it ??

i bet that once you get it done you will realize that
what is needed is a *monitor* (in one form or another)
condition variables used to code just that - **monitors**
(in a simple and very efficient form - using your
shared data directly; without any extra overhead,
rechecking the predicate aside <- much less
expensive than transfer of lock ownership).


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