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From: Peter Dimov (pdimov_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-08-13 15:20:13

From: "Scott McCaskill" <scott_at_[hidden]>
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Peter Dimov" <pdimov_at_[hidden]>
> > What is the scenario? I can see the code and I think I understand it,
> > what is it supposed to do, and is this a common example? One thing
> > not apparent from the code is whether notifyThread() is supposed to be
> > "thread-safe" as well, i.e. are multiple threads allowed to concurrently
> > call notifyThread.
> The scenario here is that you have one or more threads issuing commands to
> one or more worker threads who receive the commands and act accordingly.
> yes, multiple threads may call notifyThread() concurrently. I think this
> may be one of the most common examples of the uses of CVs.

And, presumably, I don't care which worker thread will handle the command?


> > But this doesn't handle termination.
> bool done = false;
> void threadfunc()
> {
> for(;;)
> {
> int command;
> {
> mutex::scoped_lock lock( m );
> while(q.empty() && !done)
> cv.wait( lock );
> if ( done ) break;
> command = q.pop();
> }


Of course, but we've come full circle now. Is the added complexity worth it?
CVs are good, nobody's disputing that. Why are events not worthy for
inclusion, is the question.

Peter Dimov
Multi Media Ltd.

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