Boost : |
From: David A. Greene (greened_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-08-16 18:33:03
Ross Smith wrote:
> revisiting before any attempt to standardise it. More specifically, have
> a look at the policy-based smart pointers Andrei Alexandrescu describes
> in _Modern C++ Design_. After you've explored the possibilities of
That's a very good point. However, I'm curious as to when we simply
have to put our foot down and say, "it's good enough." Surely people
had lots of ideas to improve the STL when it was standardized. It's
pretty clear it went in as a work-in-progress (hindsight being 20/20
and all).
I'm not saying we should definitely standardize smart_ptr but rather
am wondering when and where compromises will be made in the interest
of getting a better standard
> I've been toying with a policy-based array template that combines the
> functionality of boost::array and std::vector, along with several other
> behaviour options; I'll submit it to Boost sometime soon.
Sounds interesting. Looking forward to seeing it!
-- "Some little people have music in them, but Fats, he was all music, and you know how big he was." -- James P. Johnson
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