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From: Greg Colvin (gcolvin_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-08-20 02:19:43

From: <jk_at_[hidden]>
> 17 Aug 2001 18:50:35 +0400 Beman Dawes wrote:
> >meet common needs without extensive parameterization. Someday a highly
> >configurable smart pointer may be invented that is also very easy to use
> If the current variant will be standardized, whether it begins an obstacle
> for improvements?

I anticipate that the "ultimate" smart pointer will go far
beyond shared_ptr, and probably be named smart_ptr. The
current shared_ptr, auto_ptr, and scoped_ptr may well be
special cases.

I also anticipate that such a smart pointer will need a few
years of use and refinement before it is ready for prime

> Whether will leave it an opportunity for further
> optimization of smart_ptr<>, for example, specializations for an intrusive
> reference counting, allocation of non-intrusive reference counter through
> boost::pool and so on?

The above two features might make into the next version of
boost::shared_ptr, but I can't guess as to std::shared_ptr.

> Current size fits many, but not all.


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