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From: Peter Dimov (pdimov_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-08-21 06:52:49

From: "Beman Dawes" <bdawes_at_[hidden]>
> At 09:35 AM 8/20/2001, Peter Dimov wrote:
> >Yes, and last I checked, finding the library you're interested in in the
> >big log file was not a pleasant experience. :-)
> Look at it with an editor, and do a find on the test name? Is that really
> all that difficult?

Of course it's not _that_ difficult, merely inconvenient.

> >I want to propose a better solution. The tests should be organized in
> >groups by library. In addition to the full .cpp/result table we'll have
> >a 'collapsed' table that would have library/result rows, with the
> >results in a 'pass', 'fail', or '4/7' form. This will not only solve
> >the problem with the bind tests but apply to the already existing tests
> >as well; for instance, static_assert has 9 tests.
> Dave Abrahams has begun work to allow regression tests to be run by
> Boost.Build. It probably isn't worthwhile to make changes to the current
> system until we see how Dave's work plays out.

In that case I will provide a monolithic test but will retain the separate
tests in hope that a future regression test framework will be able to
support multiple tests per library.

Peter Dimov
Multi Media Ltd.

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