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From: Jonathan H Lundquist (jhl_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-08-21 10:19:11

> From: John Max Skaller <skaller_at_[hidden]>
> Subject: Re: smart ptr changes
> c) there is an obvious syntax, with
> an obvious problem: the obvious syntax is:
> template<class X>
> template<class U=X, class V=X>
> void f(U,V)
> and the obvious problem is that by extension the
> correct form for a full specialisation is:
> template<>
> template<class U=int, class V=long>
> void f(U,V)
> which does not agree with the current <stupid> syntax:>
> void f(int,long);

Why isn't the obvious syntax:

void f<int, long>(int, long)

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