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From: osmanb_at_[hidden]
Date: 2001-08-22 20:23:25

I'm trying to make the read_graphviz stuff work, for some small scale
persistence (keep a graph around, extract portions of it, then
rewrite those sections as new .dot files to generate pictures of
regions of interest). I know this isn't advised, but this still seems
to be the only set of tools to do this... So...

I'm working on Cygwin, g++ 2.95.3. write_graphviz works fine. I went
into the src directory and tried using make to build libbgl-viz. I
got errors about yywrap being undeclared, and the only thing I could
come up with was to add %option noyywrap (-lfl didn't seem to work).

Doing that I got a libbgl-viz.a and .so. I then tried to build my
sample program, which just declares a GraphvizDigraph and tries to
call read_graphviz. I build with -L/path/to/libbgl-viz -lbgl-viz but
I still get a single linker error indicating an undefined reference
to boost::read_graphviz(). Did I miss something really obvious (this
is likely)?

I realize that my inclusion of noyywrap may break something, but it
shouldn't be causing this, methinks. Any help would be greatly


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