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From: John Maddock (John_Maddock_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-08-24 05:54:22

>Would I be right in saying that a std::pair<int, int> is a POD type? Yet
boost::is_POD<std::pair<int, int> >::value == false :(
>Is there any chance that std::pair specialisations can be added to
type_traits? Obviously, with compiler support there wouldn't be a problem,
but >my compiler doesn't have it yet (does anyone's?).
>The obvious implementation goes something like:

Yes, to all the above, in involves a dependency on <utility> but as that's
a small header it's not really an issue IMO. BTW you can easily add full
specialisations for is_POD to your own code without it interfering in any
way (in the same place where you typedef your std::pair, if you do).

- John Maddock

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