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From: Anatoli Tubman (anatoli_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-08-30 12:00:58

On Thursday 30 August 2001 19:41, Ken Shaw wrote:
> Simple first reason, what is the conversion of kilograms to pounds? 2.2
> pounds to the kilogram right? WRONG! There is no conversion between the
> two, kilograms measure mass ( a constant ) and pounds measure weight ( a
> relative measure of mass * gravity ). If the quantity library allows both
> systems some compiler manufacturer will implement that wrong conversion and
> it will inevitably sneek into some calculation where it does matter.

This will be noticed approximately 37 nanoseconds after the
release, because people's correct code will become dimension-incorrect
and won't compile.

anatoli at ptc dot com -- opinions are mine

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