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From: Jeff Garland (jeff_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-09-10 16:58:11

> After attempting to implement a Date/Time class several times and never
> really getting a satisfactory version I would love to see a Boost library
> with an eye towards eventual submission to the standards committee. If
> anyone tries this I hope they will avoid the pitfalls inherit in the old C
> time functions. In particular it should be possible to represent any
> reasonable date and not be limited to a scale represented by the storage of
> seconds since 1/1/1970.
> Ken Shaw

Take a look at this message:

I believe I should have this ready for public discussion in the next month or so
:-) In GDTL the "clock source" is a component that could be implemented with
the C functions, a network time source, or other implementation. A date or time
object can be constructed from the clock source, but the date class is not
restricted to the date epoch used by the clock source (it can be larger).
However, the default implementation for the clock is the C time functions, so
this threading issue will need to be examined.


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