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From: Fisher; Damien Kaine (dfisher_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-09-26 21:35:28

On Wed, 26 Sep 2001 helmut.zeisel_at_[hidden] wrote:

> --- In boost_at_y..., "Damien Fisher" <dfisher_at_u...> wrote:
> >
> > So basically what I wrote was a floating point class which works in
> > base 10,
> > not base 2. Eg, 5.051234 becomes the integer 5051234, mantissa 6.
> > If
> > really huge numbers need to be stored, then int64_t or even bigints
> > can be
> > specified as the underlying storage. Obviously this is not as
> > efficient,
> > but the loss in accuracy is unacceptable. While I personally don't
> > see any
> > point in extending it to other bases, I don't see any point in not
> doing so
> > either :).
> >
> As I understand, you have already written a class and ask whether
> it might be useful for a broader audience.
> I personally do not need a solution for your special problem,
> I would, however,
> be interested in an arbitrary / high precision floating point class.
> Could your code combined with a bigint class
> be used to provide a high precision floating point class?
> If this is the case, then I am interested in it.

Currently it is a base 10 floating point class, that is, numbers are
expressed as a * 10 ^ b, not a * 2 ^ b.

However, I am going to be adding a specialization for base 2 real soon
now, and it already has the ability to work with bigint's.

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